McGowan has no right to attack Meryl Streep either. Other alleged victims of Weinstein have come out to say they knew about Weinstein's sexual encounters, yet none of them said anything either. Like McGowan, they took the money instead.
I am a twice rape survivor, and I didn't tell anyone when I was a child because I was afraid, and that word was never spoken of, but I ran straight to the police the second time. This monster was my cousin, and he had raped over 10 women before me. Maybe I wouldn't have been raped if some of those women had come out when it first happened. Instead, they allowed him to rape more women.
All of the actors and employees of these men should be ashamed of themselves for never speaking out when it happened. They didn't want to jeopardize their careers, so they allowed these sexual predators to continue to have more victims. It is women like them that allowed a rapist to rape me, and they make me sick! Does money mean more to these women than justice?
Tarana Burke started the me too movement in 2006, and no one has heard about this movement until now. Why? Because some actors came out and said they were assaulted, people are finally listening. It is said that it has taken so long for victims to be heard. I don't hear anyone saying this, but they also need to remember that children and men are also victims of this despicable crime!
I became a private investigator because of what happened to me, and I fight every day for victims. There are victims other than in the entertainment industry who need to be heard, so listen to every victim. I don't see McGowan as a victim. I see her as a woman who took the money and allowed a sexual predator to continue preying on other women. Shame on you, Ms. McGowan. Shame on all of you who took money to remain quiet. Shame on you, McGowan!