James Edward McClure is what the authorities say is “the poster boy for one of the worst sexual violent predators.” However, he was released and walking the streets while he still continues to commit crimes. He should have stayed in prison or a mental institution because he has been diagnosed as a Sexually Violent Predator. He should have stayed in prison or a mental institution, but the Sexual Violent Predator Statue (SB 1098, section # 6600) reads that the predator could not know the victim. He continues to be released only to rape again and destroy more lives.

We must protect our future and avoid losing more souls to these sexual monsters. He will NEVER change and he is just waiting to commit another rape and/or murder. How many more lives are we going to allow these monsters to destroy before they are put away forever? The media is so quick to provide so much publicity to criminals and completely ignore the victims. It’s time the people of this country start protecting our children and all victims of these types of crimes.
Research shows that sex offenders cannot be cured and they should never be allowed to return to society. I ask you to help stop this serial rapist as well as other sexual predators from violating so many more children and women. We must protect our future and avoid losing more souls to these sexual monsters. Just keep in mind that it could be your daughter, wife, mother, sister, friend or even you who becomes the next victim of a sexual predator. There need to be changed to do this, not just for me, but also for all of the victims who never get heard.
Information about James
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